Monday, 28 January 2019

Coolah Tops

21st to 28th January
We've done the driving loop back to Molong to pick up our camper for a few days at Coolah Tops.
Back on the farm shearing is about to start, though ironically after two weeks of heat wave, there was 15mls of rain, which wet the sheep... so shearing was delayed.

wool classing table
shearing boards
At 1100m above sea level we were a balmy 33C, and camped at the Barracks campground, Coolah Tops National Park.
grass tree forest

Only a 500m walk away from where we were camping was a forest of about 200 huge grass trees.
The early settlers discovered the resin made a good explosive, and its believed that the Germans used the resin during WW1.

spur walk

rebuilt stable yard
 Before the heat of the day set in, we did a walk most mornings. Not being great with heights made walking out on the spurs an experience.

With 5 days at Coolah we managed to set up everything. The full annex, shower, chairs tables... the whole box and dice, including table cloths and fly covers. Kev was of course suitably horrified at the non blokeish additions.
annex up

The new solar blanket, in addition to our old 'A' frame solar panel (both rated at 150 watts) enabled us to run the 2 Waeko fridges for the full 5 days... who needs electricity.

side walls set


Plenty of wild life, with wallaby's, kangaroos, parrots, feral goats, deer and pigs... and yes there was also the mandatory huntsman spider in the toilet.... hidden in the toilet paper roll!
'Fancy' toilet... but still a long drop 

Sunday, 20 January 2019

NSW Central West

14th to 20th January.
What better way to spend a 42C day than drive to Dubbo and Coonabarabran,.... air conditioning in the car made for cool travelling.

Proof pink elephants exist

The road from Molong to Cumnock through Yeovil to Dubbo has a 120km ‘animals on bikes’ paddock art sculpture trail, with 45 different creatures along the way. Yes, Kevin did see a pink elephant.

In Dubbo we visited the historic Old Dubbo Gaol, no longer in use but fully restored. Small dark prisoner cells, outdoor bathrooms and hangman's gallows in the courtyard, not an inviting place to be in the 1880's.

When in Coonabarabran we ventured into the Warumbunlge National Park to have a look at the new visitors centre.

Kevin at the Warumbungles
 In 2013 bush-fires started by a lightening strike destroyed 80% of the park including the visitors centre. Then, two weeks later a flash flood washed away the exposed top soil, luckily the bush is resilient and is recovering.

We did a couple of short walks ,but it was too hot, so we headed back to the motel pool  for a swim.

The Australia wide heat wave was still in full swing, so we headed to the Central Coast for some coastal cool breeze. We may not be at Yowie Bay but we're still doing plenty of swimming.
The skillion at Terrigal

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Sydney to Molong

3rd to 13th January.
The trip has started, we’ve packed up all we think we need for the next 12 months and hit the road. Exactly how many handbags and shoes needed is a bit of a guess, but I’m sure we’ll make do. First stop is Molong just outside Orange with our friends Julia and Reg at their Homestead, Larras Lake.

The original wing of the homestead was built in 1830, with additions through the years. Today it’s a lovely old home with many rooms, thick walls and high ceilings to help beat the heat. Days have been in the mid 30C’s so having a pool in the home yard has been fabulous.

There’s great examples of stone work on the property, including the handmade fences and arches. Whilst Kevin’s shoulder continues to recover we’ve been staying in the house which is a real treat..... we’ll be camping soon enough.

Being a working sheep property, we’re a week or so away from shearing and the sheep are mustered in readiness, so hopefully we’ll be able to have a look at that.

Not much farming actin for us as we’ve been siteseeing, swimming or keeping out of the heat, though we have chased a stray lamb back to the flock if that counts.

Whilst we’ve only been away since 3rd January, we’re enjoying the opportunity to do and see new things that travel presents.